pp108 : Reusing XML Schema

Reusing XML Schema

The XML schemas that are used in Web services can be used in applications also. But, you cannot use the XML schemas that are created and not used in a Web service. For using such schemas, you need to create a Web service with the schemas that you want to reuse.
You can create a Web service in any of the following ways:

  • Generate Process Platform Web service operations for External Web services
    • Create WSDL that contains at least one Inline schema which imports or includes all the required schemas. (The schemas that are to be reused in an application).
    • Generate Webservice operations.
  • Generate Web Service Operations on Custom Logic.
    • Create XMLSchema that imports or includes all the required schemas and ensure that the schema has atleast one schema fragment.
    • Generate Webservice operations.

Install the application package at the location where you want to reuse the schema. Add a run-time Web service interface as described in the following procedure:

  1. In the Workspace Documents (Explorer),  right-click <project> or <folder> and select Add Run-time Reference > Other. The New Run-time Reference dialog box appears, displaying all the runtime documents.
  2. Select the document Web Service Interface. A window pertaining to the selected document appears, displaying the run-time information containers.
  3. Browse through the containers and select the run-time document that you want to refer.
  4. Click Next. The next screen of the window appears with the details of the selected run-time document.
  5. Provide additional details in the Additional Instructions box to install the run-time reference, and click Finish. The window closes.
  6. Navigate to the Web service interface document and expand it.
    The XML schema run-time documents will be existing in the schema folder.

Reload the existing Web service interface run-time references in a project to get the XML schema run-time documents (which are available in run-time repository).